Mixed Bouquets

Our Mixed Bouquets are from 5 to 35 stems and we have a complete seasonal catalog with several beautiful combinations.

Rose Products

We offer a standard presentation Rose Bouquets and an Upscale Line with Roses and different flower combinations.

Consumer Bunches

Our Consumer Bunch program is designed to give you a wide assortment of products to choose from.   Packs are small to give you the flexibility of ordering multiple cases, in order to build and eye-catching display while still controlling inventory.

Vase Arrangements

We have available vases from single stems to 36 using different materials and colors, all of them classifieds by packing size of 9, 6, 5, 4 and 2.

Foam Arrangements

We produce this line of products for special holidays using different kinds of containers by packing size of 2, 4, 6 and 8.