Santa Cruz Farm  Carnation grower

We are located in the Bogotá Sabana at 8,392 feet altitude over the sea level.


  • Our Farm has 42.00 Acres under greenhouses and completely hydroponic.

  • We proudly are C-TPAT and BASC certified since 2012.

  • We do all logistics, from cultivation, commercialization and distribution.
  • Our goal is to provide quality and personal service to its final destination.

Madrid, Cundinamarca

Our farm is located in Madrid, Cundinamarca at 30 km northern Bogotá, part of the geographical region called Sábana de Bogotá, by the Andes Mountains.

Madrid climate (56°F) and altitude (8,379 ft) make it an ideal region for Carnation growing at this part of the world.